
Friday, August 28, 2015

Spinach-Peas-Potato Curry

It's 03:30 a.m. and I'm working on my blog after almost a year with the enthusiasm of a new vegan. So, I guess, it is natural that I mess things up with posting sometimes. I cooked the following dish at least three years ago. Then I was an omnivore who regularly ate some vegetables. I decided to label all the strictly plant based dish from my non-vegan days freshly and by mistake deleted this one. So, here is the restored version!

I cooked this just for myself. So, the quantity was small.
I picked up two small bunches of spinach from the supermarket.
In addition I used:
 Green peas – two tea spoon
 One small potato cut into small pieces
 Cumin seeds – half a teaspoon
 Ginger powder – a pinch
 Cumin powder – half a teaspoon
 Turmeric powder – half a teaspoon
 Chopped green chilly – one, small
 Olive oil – two tea spoon
 Salt

1. How to do it:

2. Sort out the soft spinach leaves from the bunch, clean and shred them. Keep them to one side.
3. Heat up the oil a little.
4. Add Potato and sauté a little.
5. Add cumin seeds and chopped green chilly to it.
6. Now add ginger powder.
7. Add spinach leaves.
8. Add turmeric powder and cumin powder. Stir to mix well.
9. Add peas.
10. Add salt.
11. Cover and let it cook.

Usually you don’t need to add water since the water come out of the ingredients itself will be enough to cook them. Anyways, if you feel that is not enough, add a little and let it cook till the potato is soft enough.

12. Serve with rice or roti.

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